Think Creative.

Our team of experts in design, strategic communication, and content is spread across the world. Due to our global team presence, we have completed some emotive work for prestigious companies in Saudi Arabia and a wide range of marketplaces. With our help, our clients’ businesses thrive.

Our work is different. We think outside the box!

Think Creative TEAM.

Think Creative’s team has a extensive international business experience. We share a commitment to excellence and exceeding the expectations of the client. Our unique approach and the results we achieve have led the fantastic ongoing relationships with our clients, receive countless recommendations, and have been involved in major projects for the industries

Our team works together to ensure brand growth through complementary skills in design, strategic communication and marketing.

Think Creative’s management team is led by CEO Khalid Althumairi and Creative Director Hussain Mohammed Albakri, who oversee some of the most exciting, innovative branding and communications projects in the Saudi Arabia.

No matter where you are in the world, our management team offers exceptional creativity for your project.

Contact any of the individuals listed here to learn more about how Think Creative can assist you in realizing your branding goals.

Photo of Khalid
Dr. Khalid Ahmed Althumairi

CEO, & Founder

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Khalid has a passion for advertising and media, which led him to start an advertising agency.

Read more about Khalid
Photo of Hussain
Hussain Mohamed Albakri

Communication & Creative Director

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Hussain’s creative thinking ability has led him to receive numerous design projects.

Read more about Hussain
Photo of Joanne
Joanne Rolls

Strategy & Design Director

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Joanne’s role is to understand the strategic brief and implement brilliant creative solutions.

Read more about Joanne
Photo of hani
Hani Nadeem

Chief Editor & Creative Copywriter

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Hani has exceptional creative writing skills that enable him to effectively communicate his ideas through writing.

Read more about Hani
Photo of Nick
Nick Cash

Editor-in-Chief (English)

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Nick has extensive writing experience in the automotive, telecommunications, tourism, and travel industries both in the UK and Saudi Arabia.

Read more about Nick
Photo of Syed
Syed Ishaq

Executive Director

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Ishaq’s thirst for perfection and his in-depth understanding of a client’s business needs have made him a truly formidable

Read more about Syed